The two major types of shrimp that are extremely popular in aquaculture today are red cherry shrimp and crystal red shrimp. Cherrie’s are popular due to their reproductive nature, give them time and they will exponentially populate your aquarium. Click on the links below for a guide on the specific species. Further down the page there is a link to setting up a shrimp tank.
Popular but less ornamental varieties include Ghost Shrimp and Amano Shrimp. Amano Shrimp are omnivorous and are noted for their ability to consume most types of aquarium algae. Amano Shrimp are primarily wild caught and are difficult to breed in captivity. Ghost shrimp are a low cost small algae eating variety. They are often used as feeder shrimp for larger fish. They are easy to breed and a useful addition to any aquarium.
Red Crystal Shrimp are popular due to their rare, fragile and ornamental nature. They originated from a mutation in Japan, leading to one of the most extraordinary popularities in the modern world.
There are countless other freshwater shrimp species and breeds, specific to each region of the world. Ghost or glass shrimp are excellent algae eaters, as are Japonica Amano Shrimp. The Bee Shrimp and Mandarin shrimp are similar to CRS and RCS with a low key color but just as active. This link below provides a how-to article explaning how to setup your shrimp tank from beginning to end.
Before keeping any species of freshwater aquarium shrimp it is important to understand that they are very sensitive to water conditions. Being a crustacean they do not have an active immune system as fish do. This leaves freshwater shrimp much more susceptible to disease and mutation. Fish require stable water conditions but shrimp require very stable conditions that rarely fluctuate.
Shrimp are also very sensitive to heavy metals ESPECIALLY copper, be sure to read what is in any additives before they go into the aquarium. Before heavily investing in shrimp it is advisable to have your tap water tested for trace elements to ensure it is suitable for long term use with freshwater shrimp.
It goes without saying but shrimp are not suitable for an aquarium with predatory or large fish. Any fish with a mouth large enough to swallow a shrimp will risk your entire community. Even smaller fish such as ember tetra's will make breeding virtually impossible as freshwater shrimp eggs and young are irresistible. A shrimp only tank is advisable for the serious keeper.